Audience Of One

Tel: +1.959.888.1235 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm, Saturday By Appointment 

Professional Life Coaching for transformation

Professional Life Coaching for the Brave at Heart.

It was a late day in May of 1978, I was 20 years old, a sophomore in college and comfortably seated on a Greyhound bus headed towards the Grand Canyon AZ from Hartford, CT, all alone. Traveling 2700 miles in 5 days and 4 nights, sleeping on the bus, trying to get refreshed at truck stops and back on the bus for hundreds of miles in between. Alone. What was I doing? What was motivating me to go to the Grand Canyon National Park to wash dishes in a hot humid restaurant all summer, for what? Was I crazy, who would do such a thing? Was this ridiculous? Really? All alone 2700 miles from home and my close friends and my comfortable surroundings. Why was I traveling so far, for so seemingly so little potential reward, if any at all? 

​Brave, courageous, with even a little “Chutzpah”, or crazy I often thought. I really was prompted to go work there that summer to have an experience of a life time and to please an Audience of One.  

​A few months prior to going out west, I had a life changing experience that settled many questions and some of the loneliness, emptiness and lack of direction and purpose in my life that I faced.  I understood one of the main reasons of my very life and existence here on earth from day to day was to serve the One who created me. As I sat on those buses for days, I could not get the thoughts of being alone out of my mind. I was constantly reminded through many  life changing experiences that I really was not alone, but I was accompanied by the One who made me.  I was traveling out west to work at a low paying and low respected job of being a dishwasher, but it did not matter as I was there to serve an Audience of One. He and me working together, equal US. That experience changed my life. 

​You may have landed on my website, not by accident or by chance, but maybe this is where you need to be for a few minutes, maybe to catch your breath or decompress from the challenges your face. You may be looking for that person or possible friend / coach who will listen and encourage you to be what you have the inner ability and passion to become. Maybe you are stuck. Maybe you are tired of trying,  maybe you are broken, maybe you lost your internal compass and directions for the future because of the constant storms of life. 

​ You have arrived at a safe place where I could become your Audience of One. Yes, we can walk through life's challenges and storms together, and there will be more sunshine up ahead.  You will be able to dream again, remember how powerful those dreams of the past were? One on one, no crowds, no public speaking, no one to try to impress or be concerned about what other people may say. It does not matter. Yes, this is about you, yes you and I am looking forward to being your audience, yes, your Audience of One. You and I make a new team called “us”. It is about us going forward. - Private, Confidential, Powerful and Trusted.

​ It is my passion to help you become free, to help you dream again to build future castles, to have a positive and bright future, to be strong, bold and focused on being all that you have been designed to be and nothing less. A coach helps bring out the best in an athlete, the coach does not step in for the athlete but draws out the powerful inner being that brings victory to life's challenges. I am here to help you in your success. Most athletes, professionals, actors and actresses, Entrepreneurs, business and government leaders of all levels, have life coaches. Is now the time to talk to a coach? I would like to get to know you. 

All you need to do is ask.